The Luxury handbag Brand that is changing the handbag market is an independent designer brand from France, Founded in 2011 by Mr. La and Ms. Fei. We take retro, modern, aestheticism, and romance as the core aesthetic concepts which adheres to the original bag design.Inspiration and trends are drawn from films, music, paintings and other arts to uphold quality, craftsmanship, advocating a style of independent low-key, refusing to shine and and not open, inspiring creative elegance and self-confidence.

You can find tons of amazing handbags on their website


Adhering the concept of "providing excellent, unique products and services to our customers" and follow the "innovation, pursue characteristics, pragmatic, honest and humble" business philosophy, we plan to explore the operation of other brands such as perfume, jewellery, men's clothing, cosmetics and other products in the next few years.

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